Jay, Joelle K. 1970–

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Jay, Joelle K. 1970–

PERSONAL: Born March 20, 1970, in Corning, NY; daughter of Fritz H. (a professor of business administration) and Evelyn D. (an elementary school counselor) Grupe; married Timothy L. Garcia Jay (a consultant); children: Jackson Donovan. Ethnicity: "Caucasian." Education: University of Nevada, Reno, B.A., 1992; Boston University, M.A.T., 1993; University of Washington, Seattle, Ph.D., 2001.

ADDRESSES: Office—Pillar Consulting, 314 California Ave., Ste. 334, Reno, NV 89509. E-mail—joelle@pillar-consulting.com.

CAREER: Writer. Teacher of English and language arts at high schools in Minden, NV, 1993–94, and Gardnerville, NV, 1994–98; University of Washington, Seattle, member of Coalition to Build Community in the College of Education, 2000, adjunct professor, 001; University of Nevada, Reno, adjunct professor, 2001–; Pillar Consulting, Reno, NV, president and leadership coach and consultant, 2001–. Saint Mary's Learning Institute, Reno, head of coaching division, 2001–03; presenter at conferences, symposia, and workshops; public speaker on coaching and other leadership topics. Washington Initiative to Support National Board Certification, assessor, 2001; consultant to International Game Technology, Center for Teacher Formation, and other institutions.

MEMBER: International Association of Certified Coaches, International Coach Federation, National Association of Female Executives, Coaches Training Institute, American Educational Research Association, National Staff Development Council, National Council of Teachers of English, Women's Executives Accelerating Change Today, Nevada Professional Coaches Association (northern representative and member of executive board, 2004–), Northern Nevada Professional Coaches Association (founding member), Greater Seattle Academic Writers' Group (founding member), Connections Women's Professional Group (founding member), Northern Nevada Author's Group (fouding member), Phi Lambda Theta.


Quality Teaching: Reflection as the Heart of Practice, Scarecrow Press (Lanham, MD), 2003.

Contributor to periodicals, including Journal of Curriculum Studies, Professional Educator, Teacher Education Quarterly, Academic Exchange Quarterly, College Teaching, and Northern Nevada Business Weekly.

WORK IN PROGRESS: Oh, Baby! Becoming a Mother without Losing Yourself, on professional women and new motherhood.



Choice, February, 2004, L.K. Draina, review of Quality Teaching: Reflection as the Heart of Practice.

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