Ladyzhensky, Oleg S. 1963-
LADYZHENSKY, Oleg S. 1963-
(Henry Lion Oldie, joint pseudonym)
Born March 23, 1963, in Kharkov, USSR (now Ukraine); son of Semen (an artist) and Rimma (an artist) Ladyzhensky; married Elena Nosko (a homemaker), October 26, 1984; children: Maryanne. Ethnicity: "European." Education: Kharkov Culture Institute, master's degree, 1984. Hobbies and other interests: Jazz music, karate.
Home and office—Pushkinsky Entry, No. 10, Apartment 30, Kharkov, Ukraine 61024. E-mail—[email protected].
Pelikan Theater, Kharkov, Ukraine, producer, 1985-94; freelance writer, 1994—. Member of ballot committees for Interpresscon and Bronze Snail awards, 1996—, Start awards, 1997—, and Aelita awards, 2000—; guest on Russian radio programs.
(All shared with Dmitry E. Gromov) Start award for best debut science-fiction or fantasy book, Aelita, 1995, for To Enter into Image and The Way; MoonSword Award, Stranger, 1997, for Stepchildren of the Eighth Commandment; Moshe Dayan Prize, Israel Science-Fiction and Fantasy Fan Club, 1997, and Gold Medal, Shao Lin U-Shu Association of Russia, 2001, both for Messiah Cleans the Disk.
To Enter into Image (novel and short stories), Second Pancake Creative Studio (Kharkov, Ukraine), 1994.
The Way (novel and short stories), Second Pancake Creative Studio (Kharkov, Ukraine), 1994.
The Right of Death (novels), Polygraphist (Barnaul, Russia), 1995.
The Hero Must Be Alone (novel), Polygraphist (Barnaul, Russia), 1996.
The Way of the Sword (novel), Argus (Moscow, Russia), 1996.
Arisen from Paradise (novels), Folio (Kharkov, Ukraine), 1996.
The Stained Glasses of Patriarchs (novels and short fiction), Polygraphist (Barnaul, Russia), 1996.
Stepchildren of the Eighth Commandment (novels and short fiction), EKSMO (Moscow, Russia), 1996.
The Twilight of the World (novels), EKSMO (Moscow, Russia), 1996.
Messiah Cleans the Disk (novel), EKSMO (Moscow, Russia), 1997.
Let Them Die (novel and short stories), EKSMO (Moscow, Russia), 1997.
The Beast-Book (novels and short fiction), EKSMO (Moscow, Russia), 1997.
Black Trouble-maker (novel), EKSMO (Moscow, Russia), Volume 1: The Thunderstorm in Beznalya, 1997, Volume 2: The Net for the World Lords, 1998, Volume 3: Go Where You Want, 1998.
I'll Take It Myself (novel), EKSMO (Moscow, Russia), 1998.
We Are to Live Here (novel), Volume 1: Armageddon Happened Yesterday, Volume 2: To Drink Blood by Handfuls, EKSMO (Moscow, Russia), 1999, new edition in one volume, 2001.
(With A. Valentinov, M. Dyachenko, and S. Dyachenko) The Border (novel), Ozon (St. Petersburg, Russia), 1999, new edition, EKSMO (Moscow, Russia), 2001.
Noperapon; or, In Image (novel), EKSMO (Moscow, Russia), 1999.
Waiting at the Crossroads (novels and short fiction), EKSMO (Moscow, Russia), 1999.
Mage in Law (novel), two volumes, EKSMO (Moscow, Russia), 2000.
Odisseus, the Son of Laertes (novel), EKSMO (Moscow, Russia), Volume 1: The Man of Nomos, 2000, Volume 2: The Man of Cosmos, 2001.
Alien among Familiars (poetry, fiction, operetta, and interview), EKSMO (Moscow, Russia), 2001.
The Almshouse of God (novel), EKSMO (Moscow, Russia), 2001.
The Abyss of Hungry Eyes (novels and short fiction), two volumes, EKSMO (Moscow, Russia), 2001.
Your Way Out (novel and short stories), EKSMO (Moscow, Russia), 2002.
Work represented in many Russian-language anthologies. Contributor of short stories to periodicals, including Fantast, Raysky Ugolok, Elite, Zvezdnaya Doroga, Rolemancer, Iskatel, Porog, Black Mask, Kiev Gazette, and Icarus. Many of these titles have been reprinted in various combinations, including CD-ROM publications, and translated into other languages, including Lithuanian.
Some of Ladyzhensky's short stories have been broadcast on Russian radio programs.
Shutiha, a novel about a female jester, with Dmitry E. Gromov, under joint pseudonym Henry Lion Oldie, for EKSMO (Moscow, Russia).
Oleg S. Ladyzhensky told CA: "I want to tell other people about some of the things which are interesting to me, which excite me. Nothing and nobody influences my work—except my coauthor Dmitry Gromov. Over time our writings have become more professional and more intellectual, but not less interesting, I hope!"