Natsis, James J. 1958-

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NATSIS, James J. 1958-

PERSONAL: Born December 4, 1958, in St. Louis, MO. Education: St. Louis Community College—Meramec, A.A., 1984; University of Missouri—St. Louis, B.A., 1989; Ohio University, M.A., 1995, Ph.D., 1998; attended Université Laval, College International de Castelnaudary, Athens Center, and University of Chicago.

ADDRESSES: Home—1201 Marchi Dr., St. Louis, MO 63125. Offıce—Department of International Affairs, Box 141, West Virginia State College, P.O. Box 1000, Institute, WV 25112. E-mail—[email protected].

CAREER: Fountain Cafeteria (family business), St. Louis, MO, assistant restaurant manager, beginning 1984; English teacher at a high school in Nice, France, 1989-90; U.S. Peace Corps, Washington, DC, volunteer English teacher in Chad, 1992-94; Ohio University, Athens, teacher of education, 1996-98; West Virginia State College, Institute, coordinator of International Affairs Office, 1998—, teacher of international affairs, 1999—. Lecturer at other institutions, including Fairmont State College and Bluefield State College; guest on media programs; workshop presenter. Missouri Athletic Club, food and beverage supervisor, 1991-92.

MEMBER: International Studies Association, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, African Studies Association, Comparative and International Education Society, American Institute of Maghrib Studies, Institute for Democracy and Education, American Association of Teachers of French, National Committee of International Studies and Program Administrators, Middle States African Studies Association, West Virginia Foreign Language Teachers Association, West Virginia Consortium for Faculty and Course Development in International Studies, Alliance Française de Louisville, Alpha Mu Gamma.

AWARDS, HONORS: Grant from U.S. Agency for International Development and UNCF, 1999; Fulbright grant for Costa Rica, 2002; grants from U.S. Department of Education and West Virginia Humanities Council, 2002.


Learning to Revolt: The Role of Students in theNational Movement in Colonial Tunisia, University Press of America (Lanham, MD), 2002.

Contributor to books, including The International Library of Poetry Compilation, 1999; and Race, Gender, and Human Identity in a Diverse Society: An Anthology, 3rd edition, edited by Chuck Smith and others, Tapestry Press (Action, MA), 2001. Contributor to periodicals, including Democracy and Education, Education, and French Review. Editor, Le Journal, Office of International Affairs, West Virginia State College.

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