Schneede, Uwe M(ax) 1939-

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SCHNEEDE, Uwe M(ax) 1939-

PERSONAL: Born January 1, 1939, in Newmeunster, Germany; son of Willi and Helga (Nissen)Schneede; married Marina Sczesny (an art historian). Education: Attended University of Kiel and University of Munich (art history); Ph.D, 1965.

ADDRESSES: Offıce—Hamburger Kunsthalle, Glockengiesserwal, 20095 Hamberg, Germany. E-mail— schneede@hamberger/

CAREER: Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany, assistant, 1967-68; Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart, Germany, director, 1968-73; Kunstverein, Hamburg, Germany, director, 1973-84; Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg, director, 1991—. Univerity of Munich, professor, 1985-90; lecturer at University of Hamburg and University of Heidelberg.



Paolozzi, G. Hatje (Stuttgart, Germany), 1970, translation by W. Woodson Hand published as Paolozzi, Abrams (New York, NY), 1971.

Max Ernst, G. Hatje (Stuttgart, Germany), 1972, translated by R. W. Last, Praeger (New York, NY), 1973.

Malerei des Surrealismus, DuMont (Cologne, Germany), 1973, translation by Maria Pelikan published as Surrealism, Abrams (New York, NY), 1974.

René Magritte: Leben und Werk, DuMont (Cologne, Germany), 1973, translation by W. Walter Jaffe published as René Magritte: Life and Work, Barron's (Happauge, NY), 1982.

(With George Bussmann and Marina Schneede-Sczesny) George Grosz: Leben und Werk, Arthur Niggli (Teufen, Germany), 1975, translation by Susanne Flatauer published as George Grosz: His Life and Work, Universe Books (New York, NY), 1979.

George Grosz: Der Künstler in seiner Gesellschaft, DuMont Schauberg (Cologne, Germany), 1975, translation by Robert Kimber and Rita Kimber published as George Grosz: The Artist in His Society, Barron's (Woodbury, NY), 1985.

Pop Art in England: Beginnings of a New Figuration,1947-63, Kunstverein (Hamburg, Germany), 1976.

Edvard Munch. Die fruehen Meisterwerke, Schirmer-Mosel (Munich, Germany), 1988, translation by Ann Heritage and Paul Kremmel published as Edvard Munch: The Early Masterpieces, 1988.


(Editor with Helmut Rudolf Leppien) Von Picasso bisWarhol: 100 Werke aus dem Museum of Modern Art in New York, Kunsthalle (Cologne, Germany), 1971.

Amerikanischer Fotorealismus, [Stuttgart, Germany], c. 1972.

Aspekte der engagierten Kunst: H. P. Alverman, Kunstverein (Hamburg, Germany), 1974.

Als guter Realist muss ich alles erfinden: Internationaler Realismus heute, Kunstverein (Hamburg, Germany), 1978.

Edvard Munch, Arbeiterbilde, 1910-1930, Kunstverein (Hamburg, Germany), 1978.

Dozenten der Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg, Kunstverein (Hamburg, Germany), 1978.

Eremit? Forscher? Sozialarbeiter?: Das VeränderteSelbstverständnis von Künstlern, Kunstverein (Hamburg, Germany), 1979.

Der Zeichner und Grafiker Max Beckmann, Kunstverein (Hamburg, Germany), 1979.

Die Zwanziger Jahre. Manifeste unde Dokumente deutscher Künstler, DuMont Shauberg (Cologne, Germany), 1979, revised as Künstlerschriften der 20er Jahre. Dokumente und Manifeste aus der Weimarer Republik, 1986.

Käthe Kollwitz: Das Zeichnerische Werke, Schirmer-Mosel (Munich, Germany), 1981.

Cobra, 1948-1951, Kunstverein (Hamburg, Germany), 1982.

Fernand Léger. Gouachen, Aquarelle, Zeichnungen, G. Hatje (Stuttgart, Germany), 1983.

Todesbilder in der zeitgenoessischen Kunst: Mit einemRückblick auf Hodler und Munch, Kunstverein (Hamburg, Germany), 1983.

Ringelnatz der Maler, Kunstverein (Hamburg, Germany), 1983.

Edvard Munch: Höhepunkte des malerischen Werks im20 Jahrhundert, Froelich & Kaufmann (Berlin, Germany), 1984.

Edvard Munch: Das Kranke Kind, Fischer (Frankfurt am Main, Germany), 1984.

Kunstdiktatur im Dritten Reich, Argon (Berlin, Germany), 1987.

Invenit et Sculpsit: Zeichnungen und Graphik desNiederländischen Manierismus, Hamburger Kunsthalle (Hamburg, Germany), 1992.

Max Bechmann in der Hamburger Kunsthalle, G. Hatje (Stuttgart, Germany), 1992.

(Editor with Klaus Gallwitz and Stephan von Wiese) Max Beckman. Briefe (letters), R. Piper (Munich, Germany), Volume I: 1899-1925, 1993, Volume II: 1925-37, 1994, Volume III: 1937-1950, 1996.

Max Beckmann: Selbstbildnisse, G. Hatje (Stuttgart, Germany), 1993.

Munch und Deutschland, G. Hatje (Stuttgart, Germany), 1994.

Joseph Beuys. Die Aktionen. Kommentieres Verzeichnis mit fotografischen Dokumentationen, G. Hatje (Ostfildern-Ruit, Germany), 1994.

(With Helmut R. Leppien) Die Hamburger Kunsthalle.Meisterwerke, Braus (Heidelberg, Germany), 1994.

Umberto Boccioni, G. Hatje (Ostfildern-Ruit, Germany), 1994.

Georg Baselitz: Skulpturen, Cantz (Stuttgart, Germany), 1994.

Van Gogh. Die Pariser Selbstbildinsse, G. Hatje (Ostfildern-Ruit), 1995.

(With Helmut R. Leppien) Die Hamburger Kunsthalle:Bauten und Bilder, Seemann (Leipzig, Germany), 1997.

Gerhard Richter in der Hamburger Kunsthalle, Kunsthalle (Hamberg, Germany), 1997.

(With Petra Röttig and Hartmut Frielinghaus) Hamburger Kunsthalle: Horst Janssen, Kulturstiftung der Länder (Berlin, Germany), 1997.

Erneuerung und Tradition: Die Hamburger Kunsthalle in programmatischen Texten ihrer Direktoren, Kunsthalle (Hamburg, Germany), 1997.

Skulptur-Räume. Die jungen Deutschen der achtzigerJahre, Lindinger & Schmid (Regensburg, Germany), 1997.

Chagall, Kandinnsky, Malewitsch, und die RussicheAvantgard, G. Hatje (Ostfildern-Ruit, Germany), 1998.

Museum 2000—Erlebnispark oder Bildungsstätte?, DuMont (Cologne, Germany), 2000.

Die Geschichte der Kunst im 20 Jahrhundert. Von denAvantgarden bis zur Gegenwart, C. H. Beck (Munich, Germany), 2001.

(Editor with Ulrich Luckhardt) Private Schätze: über das Sammeln von Kunst in Hamburg bis 1933, Christians (Hamburg, Germany), 2001.

Vincent van Gogh. Leben und Werk,C. H. Beck (Munich, Germany), 2003.

Also contributor to exhibition catalogues.

SIDELIGHTS: Uwe M. Schneede is a distinguished German art expert specializing in the life and works of late-nineteenth and twentieth-century masters such as Edvard Munch, Max Beckmann, and Max Ernst. Among Schneede's works in English translation is Max Ernst, which details the impressive range of surrealist Ernst's considerable output. Peter Fingesten described Max Ernst in Library Journal as "a detailed biography," and a Choice reviewer affirmed that Schneede's book "fills a . . . gap." J. P. Mellon, meanwhile, wrote in the New York Times Book Review that Schneede's volume constitutes "a useful handbook." Ernst is also prominent in Schneede's Surrealism, which chronicles the prominent—and controversial—art movement that particularly flourished between the two world wars of the twentieth century. A Choice critic proclaimed the book "a tasty survey," and Library Journal reviewer Lamia Doumato acknowledge Schneede as a "noted art historian."

George Grosz is another twentieth-century German artist who figures prominently in Schneede's writings. In George Grosz: His Life and Work Schneede illuminates Grosz's impressive and surprisingly varied achievement as an artist. A Choice critic lauded the volume as "the best overall sketch . . . yet available" with regard to Grosz, and John Russell asserted in the New York Times Book Review that Schneede's study constitutes "a model of its kind."

Another of Schneede's translated writings, René Magritte: Life and Work, was described in Choice as "clearly written" and noted for providing "a good background" to the accomplishments of the renowned surrealist painter. Mary Hamel-Schwulst endorsed the book, in her Library Journal assessment, as "a bargain."



Choice, October, 1973; July-August, 1975; January, 1980; January, 1983.

Library Journal, March 15, 1973; May 15, 1975; December 15, 1979; June 15, 1983.

New York Times Book Review, December 2, 1973; November 13, 1977; November 25, 1979.

Times Literary Supplement, August 23, 1974.

Village Voice, December 15, 1977.

Washington Post Book World, February 23, 1975; December 25, 1977.*

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