Yee, Sienho

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Yee, Sienho

PERSONAL: Male. Education: Brandeis University, B.A., 1989; Columbia University, J.D., 1993; attended Oxford University, 1997–2001.

ADDRESSES: Office—University of Colorado, School of Law, 401 UCB, Boulder, CO 80309. E-mail[email protected].

CAREER: Educator and attorney. U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Third Circuit, Trenton, NJ, law clerk, 1993–94; United Nations international criminal tribunal for former Yugoslavia, the Hague, Netherlands, law clerk in appeals chamber, 1995–96; University of Colorado, Boulder, associate professor of law, 2001–. Instructor of international law at University of London, Northwestern University, and St. Hugh's College, Oxford; International Monetary Fund, counsel in legal department. Chinese Journal of International Law, editor-in-chief, 2001–.


(Editor, with Wang Tieya) International Law in the Post-cold War World: Essays in Memory of Li Haopei, Routledge (New York, NY), 2001.

(Editor) International Crime and Punishment: Selected Issues, Volume 1, University Press of America (Lanham, MD), 2003, Volume 2, 2004.

Toward an International Law of Co-Progressiveness, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers (Boston, MA), 2003.

Contributor of articles to periodicals, including International Law, Columbia Law Review, European Journal of International Law, German Yearbook of International Law, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, and Max Planck Yearbook of the United Nations.

SIDELIGHTS: Sienho Yee told CA: "When I grew up my parents instilled in me a sense of responsibility and I somehow cultivated in myself a sense of curiosity about things and an urge to improve upon things. I think these two are the most important."



Sienho Yee Home Page, (May 30, 2005).

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