
views updated May 29 2018

boo / boō/ • interj. 1. said suddenly to surprise someone: “Boo!” she cried, jumping up to frighten him.2. said to show disapproval or contempt, esp. at a performance or athletic contest.• n. an utterance of “boo” to show disapproval or contempt: the audience greeted this comment with boos and hisses.• v. (boos, booed) say “boo” to show disapproval or contempt: [intr.] they booed and hissed when he stepped on stage.


views updated May 21 2018

BOO n. bladder outflow obstruction, usually by an enlarged prostate gland but also by a high bladder neck or uncoordinated contraction of the urinary sphincters and detrusor muscle of the bladder.


views updated May 17 2018

Boo Astronomy Bootes

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