Baer-Block, Roxanna

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Baer-Block, Roxanna.



Awards, Honors

Upcoming Illustrator designation, Art Direction magazine, 1994; Communication Arts Interactive Annual 8 Design Award, and Ad Club's Francis W. Hatch Award, both 2002, and Print magazine Interactive Design award, 2003, all for illustrations for (web site).


Susan Pearson, Hooray for Feet!, Blue Apple (Maple-wood, NJ), 2005.

Jennifer Axen and Leigh Phillips, Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better: A Girl's Guide to Guy Stuff, Chronicle Books (New York, NY), 2006.

Biographical and Critical Sources


Communication Arts Interactive Annual, September-October, 2002, pp. 154-155.

How, June, 2003, p. 26.

Print, September-October, 2003, p. 139.

School Library Journal, November, 2005, Sally R. Dow, review of Hooray for Feet!, p. 103.


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