
views updated May 09 2018

met·ric1 / ˈmetrik/ • adj. 1. of or based on the meter as a unit of length; relating to the metric system: all measurements are given in metric form. ∎  using the metric system: we should have gone metric years ago.2. Math. & Physics relating to or denoting a metric.• n. 1. technical a system or standard of measurement. ∎  Math. & Physics a binary function of a topological space that gives, for any two points of the space, a value equal to the distance between them, or to a value treated as analogous to distance for the purpose of analysis.2. inf. metric units, or the metric system: it's easier to work in metric.met·ric2 • adj. relating to or composed in a poetic meter.• n. (metrics) [treated as sing.] the meter of a poem.


views updated May 18 2018

1. A number representing the degree to which software, or an entity related to software, possesses some notional property, as observed or perceived by an individual or group.

2. Informal name for measure.

3. A specific type of mapping in which the codomain is a number, and the triangle inequality applies.

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