
views updated May 11 2018

ed·dy / ˈedē/ • n. (pl. -dies) a circular movement of water, counter to a main current, causing a small whirlpool. ∎  a movement of wind, fog, or smoke resembling this.• v. (-dies, -died) [intr.] (of water, air, or smoke) move in a circular way: the mists from the river eddied around the banks.


views updated May 29 2018

eddy The motion of a fluid in directions differing from, and at some points contrary to, the direction of the larger-scale current. In air, eddies vary in size from small-scale turbulence (which can transport dust and diffuse pollutants) to large-scale movements (e.g. cyclone and anticyclone cells) within the general global circulation of the atmosphere.


views updated May 08 2018

eddy Motion of a fluid in directions differing from, and at some points contrary to, the direction of the larger-scale current. In air, eddies vary in size from small-scale turbulence (which can transport dust and diffuse pollutants) to large-scale movements (e.g. cyclone and anticyclone cells) within the general global circulation of the atmosphere.


views updated May 29 2018

eddy small whirlpool. XV (Sc. ydy). perh. of Scand. orig. (cf. ON. iǒa eddy, whirlpool); prob. f. base of OE. ed- again, back = OHG. et(a)-, ON. iǒ-, Goth. then, but, rel. to L. et and, Gr. éti yet; cf. MHG. itwæge flood, whirlpool (-wæge corr. to OE. wǣġ wave).

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