Correa, Charles Mark

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Correa, Charles Mark (1930– ). Indian architect. He trained under Buckminster Fuller and Yamasaki, and then rejected Modernism in favour of an economical, adaptable architecture derived from Indian vernacular traditions using local materials in order to respond to climatic and financial parameters. Among his works may be cited the National Crafts Museum, New Delhi (1975–91—arranged as a sequence of spaces and courtyards linked by internal ‘streets’); the Jawahar Kala Cultural Centre, Jaipur (1986–92—in which the complexities of the plan owe something to labyrinths); the British Council Building, New Delhi 1990–2); and the Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune (1988–92). His writings include The New Landscape (1989) and The Ritualistic Pathway: Five Projects (1992).


Ashraf & Belluardo (eds.) (1998);
Baht & and Scriver (1990);
C. Correa (1996, 2000);
Kalman (1994);
Khan (ed.) (1987, 1995)

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