de·tail / diˈtāl; ˈdētāl/ • n. 1. an individual feature, fact, or item: we shall consider every detail of the bill | her meticulous attention to detail. ∎ a minor or less significant item or feature: he didn't want them to get sidetracked on a detail of policy. ∎ a minor decorative feature of a building or work of art: a detail on Charlemagne's tomb. ∎ the style or treatment of such features: the classical French detail of the building's facade. ∎ a small part of a picture or other work of art reproduced separately for close study: detail of right eye showing marks on the lids. ∎ (details) Brit. itemized facts or information about someone; personal particulars: the official asked for my father's details.2. a small detachment of troops or police officers given a special duty: the candidate's security detail. ∎ a special duty assigned to such a detachment.• v. [tr.] 1. describe item by item; give the full particulars of: the report details the environmental and health costs of the car.2. [tr.] assign (someone) to undertake a particular task: the ships were detailed to keep watch.3. clean (a motor vehicle) intensively and minutely: the Buick dealer gave him a job washing and detailing cars.PHRASES: go into detail give a full account of detail as regards every feature or aspect; fully: we will have to examine the proposals in detail.DERIVATIVES: de·tail·er n. (in sense 3 of the verb ).
detail in detail item by item; minute account XVII; minute part; (mil.) distribution in detail of the daily orders to the officers concerned, body detached for special duty XVIII. F. détail, f. détailler (f. dé- DE- 3 + tailler cut up in pieces). whence detail vb. deal with in detail XVII; (mil.) XVIII.