floor / flôr/ • n. 1. the lower surface of a room, on which one may walk: he dropped the cup and it smashed on the floor the kitchen floor. ∎ all the rooms or areas on the same level of a building; a story: his office was on the twenty-second floor | [as adj. , in comb.] a third-floor apartment. ∎ a level area or space used or designed for a particular activity. ∎ fig. the minimum level of prices or wages: the dollar's floor against the yen. ∎ inf. the ground: the best way to play is to pass the ball on the floor. ∎ the bottom of the sea, a cave, or an area of land: the ocean floor.2. (the floor) (in a legislative assembly) the part of the house in which members sit and from which they speak. ∎ the right or opportunity to speak next in debate: other speakers have the floor. ∎ (of the stock exchange) the large central hall where trading takes place.• v. [tr.] 1. (often be floored) provide (a room or area) with a floor: a hall floored in gleaming white oak. | [as adj. , in comb.] (-floored) a stone-floored building. 2. inf. knock (someone) to the ground, esp. with a punch. ∎ baffle or confound (someone) completely: that question floored him.PHRASES: cross the floorsee cross.from the floor (of a speech or question) delivered by an individual member at a meeting, not by a representative on the platform: questions from the floor will be invited.take the floor1. begin to dance on a dance floor.2. speak in a debate or assembly.
1. Division between one storey and another. In the UK ground-, first-, second-, etc., described the storeys, but in many countries ‘first-floor’ means the ‘ground-floor’, etc.
2. Set of rooms and landings, on the same level, i.e. in one storey.
3. Layer of boards, etc., on which people tread, and i.e. the surface of the floor in the room.
floor sb. OE. flōr, corr. to (M)Du. vloer, MHG. vluor (G. flur), ON. flór :- Gmc. *flōruz; rel. to OIr. lár, W. llawr :- Celt. *plār-.
Hence vb. cover with a floor XV; bring to the ground XVII.