387. Irresponsibility (See also Carelessness, Forgetfulness.)
- Alectryon changed to cock because he forgot to warn Mars of sun’s rising. [Rom. Myth.: LLEI, I: 322]
- Belch, Sir Toby Olivia’s riotous, reckless uncle. [Br. Lit.: Twelfth Night ]
- Bovary, Emma irresponsible, careless character; betrays husband. [Fr. Lit.: Madame Bovary ]
- Capp, Andy negligent of marital obligations. [Comics: Horn, 82–83]
- Falstaff, Sir John misuses “the King’s press damnably.” [Br. Lit.: II Henry IV ]
- Google, Barney neglects wife for race horse. [Comics: Horn, 99–100]
- Palinurus sleeping helmsman, falls overboard. [Rom. Lit.: Aeneid ]
- Paragon, Mary Anne careless servant of David and Dora. [Br. Lit.: David Copperfceld ]
- Trulliber, Parson satire on one who does not do his job. [Br. Hist.: Joseph Andrews, Espy, 131]
- Wimpy sloppily dressed comic strip character; always “forgets” to pay for hamburgers. [Comics: “Popeye” in Horn, 657–658]
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