Leonidov, Ivan Ilich
Leonidov, Ivan Ilich (1902–59). Russian architect, he was influenced by Vesnin, and was a figure in Constructivism. His unrealized project for a Lenin Institute, with glass-clad suspended elements and an elevated monorail communications network, looked forward to the kind of adaptable open-ended structures envisaged by Archigram, Koolhaas, and other late-C20 architects. His only significant built work was the landscaped amphitheatre and stairway for Ordzhonikidze Sanatorium, Kislovodsk (1937).
Wi.Cu (1996);
Gozak & and Leonidov (1988);
Khan-Magomedov (1987);
Kopp (1970);
Quilici & Scolari (eds.) (1975);
O. Shvidkovsky (1970)
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