
views updated May 11 2018

lift / lift/ • v. [tr.] 1. raise to a higher position or level: he lifted his trophy over his head. ∎  move (one's eyes or face) to face upward and look at someone or something: he lifted his eyes from the paper for an instant. ∎  increase the volume or pitch of (one's voice): Willie sang boldly, lifting up his voice. ∎  increase (a price or amount): higher than expected oil prices lifted Oklahoma's revenue. ∎  transport by air: a helicopter lifted 11 crew members to safety from the ship. ∎  hit or kick (a ball) high into the air. ∎  [intr.] move upward; be raised: Thomas's eyelids drowsily lifted their voices lifted in wails and cries. ∎  [intr.] (of a cloud, fog, etc.) move upward or away: the factory smoke hung low, never lifted the gray weather lifted on the following Wednesday. ∎  perform cosmetic surgery on (esp. the face or breasts) to reduce sagging: surgeons lift and remove excess skin from the face and neck.2. pick up and move to a different position: he lifted her down from the pony's back. ∎ fig. enable (someone or something) to escape from a particular state of mind or situation, esp. an unpleasant one: two billion barrels of oil that could lift this nation out of chronic poverty.3. raise (a person's spirits or confidence); encourage or cheer: we heard inspiring talks that lifted our spirits. ∎  [intr.] (of a person's mood) become happier: suddenly his heart lifted, and he could have wept with relief.4. formally remove or end (a legal restriction, decision, or ban): the European Community lifted its oil embargo against South Africa.5. inf. steal (something, esp. a minor item of property): the shirt she had lifted from a supermarket. ∎  use (a person's work or ideas) without permission or acknowledgment; plagiarize: this is a hackneyed adventure lifted straight from a vintage Lassie episode.• n. 1. something that is used for lifting, in particular: ∎ British term for elevator. ∎  a device incorporating a moving cable for carrying people, typically skiers, up or down a mountain. ∎  a built-up heel or device worn in a boot or shoe to make the wearer appear taller or to correct shortening of a leg.2. an act of lifting: weightlifters attempting a particularly heavy lift. ∎  a rise in price or amount: the company has already produced a 10 percent lift in profits. ∎  an increase in volume or pitch of a person's speaking voice. ∎ inf. an instance of stealing or plagiarizing something. ∎  an upward force that counteracts the force of gravity, produced by changing the direction and speed of a moving stream of air: it had separate engines to provide lift and generate forward speed. ∎  the maximum weight that an aircraft can raise.3. a free ride in another person's vehicle: Miss Green is giving me a lift back to school.4. a feeling of encouragement or increased cheerfulness: winning this game has given everyone on the team a lift.PHRASES: lift a finger (or hand) [usu. with negative] make the slightest effort to do something, esp. to help someone: he never once lifted a finger to get Jimmy released from prison.lift his (or its) leg inf. (of a male dog) urinate.PHRASAL VERBS: lift off (of an aircraft, spacecraft, or rocket) rise from the ground or a launch pad, esp. vertically.DERIVATIVES: lift·a·ble adj. lift·er n.


views updated May 21 2018


At the end of the flys drift, raise the rod high and let the current pull the fly up to the surface. This imitates the rising emergence of an insect. It is simple to do and effective. The fish targets on the nymphs rising action. Mayflies and caddisflies are effectively fished with this lift method.

During insect emergence, fish often feed upon the nymphs transforming into adults. Fish can become selective and prefer eating these helpless emergent nymphs rather than the mature adults. Adult flies can flutter and this movement makes it difficult for a fish to catch them. Some fish, during heavy insect hatches, specialize in feeding upon the transforming nymphs and the cripples. These fish can ignore the moving adult insects. Carefully observe rising fish to see what insect life stage is being ingested.

Surface film nymphs are fished the same as dry fly presentations. That is upstream,

7/8, natural drift, Youngs, and all of the downstream presentations. Simply fish the nymph the same as the dry fly.


views updated Jun 08 2018

Lift ★★½ 2001

Niecy (Washington) is a fashionable designer at a tony Boston store whose second job is as a “booster.” She steals jewelry and couture clothes and adds to her own wardrobe while selling some of the merchandise. Her boyfriend Angelo (Byrd) urges Niecy to quit but she's seeking the approval of her embittered mother Elaine (McKee) and decides to boost an expensive necklace her mother has admired. Naturally, this job is the one that goes very wrong. 85m/C VHS, DVD . US Kerry Washington, Lonette McKee, Eugene Byrd, Todd Williams, Samantha Brown, Kirk “Sticky Fingaz” Jones, Braun Philip, Barbara Montgomery, Annette Miller, Jacqui Parker, Naheem Allah, Susan Alger; D: DeMane Davis, Khari Streeter; W: DeMane Davis; C: David Phillips; M: Ryan Shore.


views updated May 29 2018


To raise; to take up.

To lift a promissory note (a written commitment to pay a sum of money on a certain date) is to terminate the obligation by paying its amount.

To lift the bar of the statute of limitations is to remove, by some sufficient act or acknowledgment, the obstruction that it interposes. For example, some states will not permit an action to be instituted on a debt owed after ten years from the date of the debt. This is a ten-year statute of limitations. If the debtor acknowledges in writing that he or she owes the debt and will pay it on a certain date, this conduct lifts the bar of the statute of limitations so that the debtor can be sued on the debt for another ten years.


views updated May 17 2018

lift In aerodynamics, force that acts upwards on the undersurface of an aerofoil, or wing. As it travels forwards, the leading edge of an aerofoil splits the airstream. Because the upper part of the airstream is forced to travel farther, its pressure falls. The lift force is a result of the upward pressure underneath the aerofoil being greater than the downward pressure on the top. See also Bernoulli's law


views updated May 11 2018

lift. See elevator.


views updated May 14 2018

lift vb. XIII. — ON. lypta = (M)HG. lüften :- Gmc. *luftjan, f. *luftuz air, sky.
Hence sb. XVI.

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