522. Prize
- Achsah Caleb’s daughter; promised in marriage to conqueror of Debir. [O.T.: Joshua 15:16–19; Judges 1:12–15]
- blue ribbon denotes highest honor. [Western Folklore: Brewer Dictionary, 127]
- Bollingen annual prize for highest achievement in American poetry. [Am. Lit.: Hart, 88]
- Emmy awarded annually for best achievements in television programing and performance. [TV: Misc.]
- Enrico Fermi Award given for “exceptional and altogether outstanding achievement” in atomic energy. [Am. Hist.: Misc.]
- Eva to marry winner of singing contest. [Ger. Opera: Wagner, Meistersinger, Westerman, 225–228]
- gold medal traditional first prize. [Western Cult: Misc.]
- Goncourt annual award for best French fiction. [Fr. Lit.: NCE, 1106]
- Grammy awarded by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences for the best in the recording field. [Am. Hist.: Misc.]
- Guggenheim annual fellowships for creative work. [Am. Hist.: Hart, 337]
- Heisman Trophy awarded to the outstanding college football player of the year by New York Athletic Club. [Am. Sports: Misc.]
- laurel wreath ancient award for victory. [Western Cult.: Brewer Dictionary ]
- Medal of Freedom highest award given a U.S. citizen; established 1963. [Am. Hist.: Misc.]
- National Book Award given by the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters to outstanding works. [Am. Hist.: Misc.]
- Newbery-Caldecott Medal awarded by the American Library Association for outstanding children’s books. [Am. Hist.: Misc.]
- Nobel monetary awards for outstanding contributions benefiting mankind. [World. Hist.: Wheeler, 718]
- Oscar gold statuette awarded to film actors, directors, writers, technicians, etc. [Am. Cinema: Brewer Dictionary, 788]
- Pulitzer awards made in letters, music, and journalism. [Am. Hist.: Wheeler, 824]
- Silken Threads the three great prizes of honor in Lilliput. [Br. Lit.: Gulliver’s Travels ]
- Tony (Antoinette Perry Award) presented annually for outstanding work in the Broadway theater. [Am. Hist.: Misc.]
Prodigality (See DISSIPATION .)
prize1 / prīz/ • n. a thing given as a reward to the winner of a competition or race or in recognition of another outstanding achievement: the nation's most prestigious prize for contemporary art. ∎ a thing, esp. an amount of money or a valuable object, that can be won in a lottery or other game of chance: the grand prize in the drawing | [as adj.] prize money. ∎ something of great value that is worth struggling to achieve: the prize will be victory in the general election. ∎ chiefly hist. an enemy ship captured during the course of naval warfare.• adj. (esp. of something entered in a competition) having been or likely to be awarded a prize: prize onions a prize bull. ∎ denoting something for which a prize is awarded: a prize crossword. ∎ excellent of its kind; outstanding: a prize example of how well organic farming can function. ∎ complete; utter: you must think I'm a prize idiot.• v. [tr.] (often be prized) value extremely highly: the berries were prized for their healing properties| [as adj.] (prized) the bicycle was her most prized possession. prize2 (also prise) • v. another term for pry2 : prizing open the door he prized his left leg free.
Anything offered as a reward for a contest. It is distinguished from a bet or wager in that it is known before the event who is to give either the premium or the prize, and there is but one operation until the accomplishment of the act, thing, or purpose for which it is offered. In time of war, an enemy vessel or a ship captured at sea by a belligerent power.
The fair market value of a prize or award is generally includible in gross income. Certain exceptions are provided where the prize or award is made in recognition of religious, charitable, scientific, educational, artistic, literary, or civic achievement providing certain other requirements are met.
prize1 † booty XIV; ship, etc. captured at sea XVI. — (O)F. prise capture (of a ship), booty, captured vessel or cargo:- Rom. *prē(n)sa, sb. use of fem. pp. of *prēndere :— L. præhendere seize; became identified finally with PRIZE3.
prize3 reward for superiority in a contest. XVI. Differentiated sp. of pris(e), PRICE.
prize2 † estimate the value of; esteem highly. XIV. — OF. pris-, tonic stem of preisier PRAISE.