Ambucs Resource Center
Ambucs Resource Center
PO Box 5127
High Point, NC 27262
Fax: (336)852-6830
Free: 800-838-1845
E-mail: [email protected]
AMBUCS Scholarships for Therapists Program (Graduate, Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Purpose: To ensure that a new generation of therapists will continue to enhance the lives of people with disabilities. Focus: Physical therapy; Occupational therapy; Speech and language pathology/audiology. Qualif.: Applicant must be a citizen of the United States; with documented financial need; with good scholastic standing; be accepted at the junior or senior undergraduate, or graduate level in a program which qualifies the applicant for clinical practice in occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech and language pathology and hearing audiology; express an intent to enter clinical practice in chosen field of therapy in the United States upon completion of course of study for which aid is requested. Criteria: Applicants are evaluated based on some criteria designed by the Scholarships Selection Committee.
Funds Avail.: $500-$1,500. To Apply: Applicants should complete online application and must submit most current IRS form 1040, narrative statement and enrollment certification. Deadline: Mid-January until April 15 annually.
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Ambucs Resource Center