City University: Distance Learning Programs In-Depth

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City University

Distance Learning Option

Bellevue, Washington


In keeping with its mission of providing convenient, accessible education, City University offers most degree programs through distance learning (DL). The DL option makes degree programs available electronically through the World Wide Web. City University serves approximately 4,000 students worldwide annually through DL.


Online Distance Learning students receive their course content via the World Wide Web utilizing the Blackboard™ course management system. Merging the best of the traditional classroom experience and distance learning, faculty members and students communicate and collaborate using threaded discussions, real-time chats, course e-mail, and online file exchanges. Online students are required to have an e-mail address, a computer with a minimum 56K modem, Internet access, and CD-ROM capacity.


City University's undergraduate programs prepare students to compete in today's marketplace. Students may complete an Associate of Science (A.S.), a Bachelor of Science (B.S.), or a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree. Within these degrees, students may pursue one of several areas of study, including accounting, applied psychology, business administration, computersystems, e-commerce, human resource management, information technology, marketing, mass communications and journalism, or project management. Most undergraduate-level courses are 5 credits each; 90 credits are required for completion of an A.S. degree, and 180 credits are required for completion of a B.S. or B.A. degree.

City University's graduate business and public administration programs prepare management professionals for leadership roles at local, national, and international levels. Students may pursue a graduate certificate or a Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) with an array of specialties, a Master of Public Administration (M.P.A.) degree with an array of specialties, a Master of Arts (M.A.) in management with an array of specialties, or a Master of Science in either project management or computer systems. Most graduate-level courses are 3 credits; total required credits for a degree range from 45 to 60.


City University has an open-door admissions policy for most programs. Students may begin a distance learning course at the beginning of any month, and there is no application deadline. City University has partnerships with several institutions and organizations worldwide. Through these affiliations, the University offers in-house programs and evaluates prior training for college-level credit.

All of City University's programs are geared toward adult students. From its student body to its faculty and staff members, City University is a community of professionals. All who are associated with the University understand the needs of adult learners who are seeking high-quality education that applies to their individual lifestyle.


Academic advising and assistance is available by phone, fax, or e-mail. Registration is available by contacting an Academic Advisor. Students have full access to the library, including an online search service, a reference librarian (via a toll-free phone number), and a mailing service for circulation of books and articles.

City University is the largest private institution of higher learning in the Northwest, with more than 37,000 graduates and locations throughout the Pacific Northwest, Europe, and Asia. Students are drawn to the school's flexible programs, schedules, and distance learning options. City University offers more than seventy-five programs, including associate, bachelor's, and master's degrees, as well as undergraduate and graduate certificate courses. A not-for-profit institution, City University has been a respected member of the Northwest's academic community since 1973 and is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.

City University's programs cover a variety of academic fields, ranging from business management and technology to psychology, counseling, and education. The majority of faculty members actively work in the fields they teach. The combination of innovative program design and outstanding instruction makes City University an exceptional institution of higher learning.


Undergraduate students may transfer up to 90 approved lower-division and 45 approved upper-division credits from approved institutions for baccalaureate programs. The Prior Learning Assessment Program lets students earn credits through documented experiential learning. Students may receive credit for the CLEP or other standardized tests. Graduate students may transfer up to 12 credits from approved programs.


There are more than 250 faculty members included in the distance learning program, 26 of whom are full-time. More than 25 percent of the full-time faculty members have terminal degrees.


Undergraduate programs are generally open to applicants over 18 years of age who hold a high school diploma or GED certificate. Admission to graduate programs requires that students hold a baccalaureate degree from an accredited or otherwise recognized institution. Additional requirements apply to education and human services programs. International students whose first language is not English are required to submit a TOEFL score of at least 540 for admission to undergraduate programs and 565 for graduate programs.


Tuition for the 2004–05 academic year is $220 per undergraduate credit and $375 per graduate credit. Other fees may apply depending on the specific course of study. A registration fee of $30 for undergraduates and $38 for graduate students occurs once per quarter.


For information regarding financial aid options at City University, students should contact the Student Financial Services Department at 800-426-5596 (toll-free).


Admissions and Student Services
City University
11900 NE First Street
Bellevue, Washington 98005
Telephone: 425-737-1010 800-42-CITYU (toll-free)
425-450-4660 (TTY/TDD)
Fax: 425-709-5361
Web site:


DL students may enroll on a rolling admissions basis. Students must speak with an Academic Advisor to complete the initial enrollment. Students should then submit the application form, nonrefundable application fee ($80), and admission documents to the Office of Admissions and Student Services. Official transcripts should be sent to the Office of the Registrar.

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