Degrees Offered by Mount Mercy College

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Accounting, B

Art Teacher Education, B

Art/Art Studies, General, B

Biology/Biological Sciences, B

Business Administration and Management, B

Clinical Laboratory Science/Medical Technology/Technologist, B

Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric, B

Computer and Information Sciences, B

Computer Science, B

Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration, B

Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, B

Education, B

Elementary Education and Teaching, B

English Language and Literature, B

History, B

International Relations and Affairs, B

Junior High/Intermediate/Middle School Education and Teaching, B

Liberal Arts and Sciences Studies and Humanities, B

Marketing/Marketing Management, B

Mathematics, B

Music, B

Music Teacher Education, B

Nursing - Registered Nurse Training, B

Political Science and Government, B

Pre-Dentistry Studies, B

Pre-Law Studies, B

Pre-Medicine/Pre-Medical Studies, B

Pre-Veterinary Studies, B

Psychology, B

Religion/Religious Studies, B

Science Teacher Education/General Science Teacher Education, B

Secondary Education and Teaching, B

Social Work, B

Sociology, B

Speech and Rhetorical Studies, B

Urban Studies/Affairs, B

Voice and Opera, B

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Degrees Offered by Mount Mercy College

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    Degrees Offered by Mount Mercy College