Delaware Community Foundation

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Delaware Community Foundation

PO Box 1636
Wilmington, DE 19899
Ph: (302)571-8004
Fax: (302)571-1553
E-mail: [email protected]

Chrysler Technical Scholarships Fund (Undergraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To provide college scholarship assistance to those worthy students based on demonstrated academic ability, leadership traits and financial need. Focus: General Studies. Qualif.: Applicants must be residents of Delaware; must have an at least 2.75 GPA and provide evidence of a commitment to leadership in the community; must plan to obtain a degree or certificate from a community college, trade school or university in a technical field related to the design, engineering, manufacturing or repair of automotive products, including but not limited to, automotive repair, skilled trades, and engineering. Criteria: Preference will be given to the students who meet the criteria.

Funds Avail.: $1,000 per academic year. To Apply: Applicants must download and fill out the application form at the Delaware Community Foundation website. Deadline: July 31.

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