Missouri State University: Tabular Data

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901 South National
Springfield, MO 65804-0094
Tel: (417)836-5000
Free: 800-492-7900
Admissions: (417)836-5521
Fax: (417)836-6334
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site: http://www.smsu.edu/
President/CEO: Dr. John H. Keiser
Registrar: Kim Bell
Admissions: Don Simpson
Financial Aid: Billie Jo Hamilton

Type: Comprehensive Sex: Coed Scores: 52.13% ACT 18-23; 38.1% ACT 24-29 % Accepted: 77 Application Deadline: July 20 Application Fee: $30.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $30. State resident tuition: $4620 full-time, $154 per credit hour part-time. Nonresident tuition: $9240 full-time, $308 per credit hour part-time. Mandatory fees: $508 full-time. Full-time tuition and fees vary according to course load and degree level. Part-time tuition varies according to course load and degree level. College room and board: $4660. College room only: $3249. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: Semester, Summer Session Available Enrollment: FT 12,763, PT 3,506, Grad 2,845 Faculty: FT 726, PT 252 Student-Faculty Ratio: 18:1 Exams: SAT I or ACT % Receiving Financial Aid: 62 % Residing in College-Owned, -Operated, or -Affiliated Housing: 24 Library Holdings: 1,699,860 Regional Accreditation: North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Credit Hours For Degree: 125 credit hours, Bachelors ROTC: Army Professional Accreditation: AACSB, ABET, AAFCS, AANA, APTA, ASLHA, CSWE, JRCEPAT, NAIT, NASM, NASPAA, NAST, NCATE, NLN, NRPA Intercollegiate Athletics: Baseball M; Basketball M & W; Bowling M & W; Cross-Country Running M & W; Equestrian Sports M & W; Field Hockey W; Football M; Golf M & W; Ice Hockey M; Lacrosse M; Racquetball M & W; Riflery M & W; Soccer M & W; Softball W; Swimming and Diving M & W; Tennis M & W; Track and Field M & W; Ultimate Frisbee M & W; Volleyball M & W; Wrestling M

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