Texarkana College: Narrative Description

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2500 North Robison Rd.
Texarkana, TX 75599-0001
Tel: (903)838-4541; Admissions: (903)838-4541; Fax: (903)832-5030; E-mail: [email protected]; Web Site: http://www.texarkanacollege.edu/

Description: State and locally supported, 2-year, coed. Awards certificates, transfer associate, and terminal associate degrees. Founded 1927. Setting: 88-acre urban campus. Educational spending 2002-03: $1880 per student. Total enrollment: 3,895. Full-time: 1,550 students, 61% women, 39% men. Part-time: 2,345 students, 63% women, 37% men. Students come from 7 states and territories, 5 other countries, 0.2% Native American, 1% Hispanic, 16% black, 0.3% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 0.2% international, 42% 25 or older. Core. Calendar: semesters. Academic remediation for entering students, services for LD students, advanced placement, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, adult/continuing education programs, co-op programs.

Entrance Requirements: Open admission. Option: early admission. Required: high school transcript. Placement: THEA required. Entrance: noncompetitive. Application deadline: Rolling.

Costs Per Year: Application fee: $0. Area resident tuition: $800 Full-time, $27 per credit hour part-time. State resident tuition: $1000 Full-time, $42 per credit hour part-time. Nonresident tuition: $1750 full-time, $62 per credit hour part-time. Mandatory fees: $50 full-time, $3 per credit hour part-time. Full-time tuition and fees vary according to course load. Part-time tuition and fees vary according to course load. College room only: $1300.

Collegiate Environment: Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group, student-run newspaper, radio station. Social organizations: 16 open to all. Most popular organizations: Black Student Association, Earth Club. Major annual events: Octoberfest, Spring Fest. Student services: personal-psychological counseling. Campus security: 24-hour patrols. 75 college housing spaces available; 40 were occupied in 2002-03. No special consideration for freshman housing applicants. Palmer Memorial Library with 46,700 books and 646 serials. 105 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed. Staffed computer lab on campus.

Community Environment: Texarkana is located on the Arkansas-Texas border which runs approximately through the center of town. A trading center, there are many railroad lines coming into the area. The community has two hospitals, motels and hotels, and various civic, fraternal and veteran's organizations. Local recreation includes golf, hunting, fishing, boating, and water skiing. Part-time employment is available.

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