Theatre for Young Audiences/USA

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Theatre for Young Audiences/USA

1602 Belle View Blvd., No. 810
Alexandria, VA 22307
Ph: (703)671-0640
E-mail: info@tya/

Anne Shaw Fellowships (Graduate/Fellowship)

Purpose: To support career development opportunities for theater artists and administrators committed to Theatre for Young Audiences. Focus: Theater arts. Qualif.: All active ASSITEJ/USA members are eligible to apply. Criteria: Priority is given to those applicants (at any stage of their TYA and theatre career) who state clear objectives for career developments and thoughtfully describe a process for active participation with another person, institution or organization.

Funds Avail.: $2,000. To Apply: Individuals may submit their proposal specifying a particular host or partner, or may request assistance matching their project proposal with a member of organization. Once an application has been given, the applicant should submit a one-page narrative, a budget, letters of support, and a professional resume. Applicants should articulate the purpose of the project and how it relates to their personal mission or the mission of the theater. Deadline: December 15. Contact: Leonora Inez Brown, Co-Chair Ann Shaw Fellowship; [email protected].

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