American Committee for International Conservation

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American Committee for International Conservation

The American Committee for International Conservation (ACIC), located in Washington, DC, is an association of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) that is concerned about international conservation issues. The ACIC, founded in 1930, includes 21 member organizations. It represents conservation groups and individuals in 40 countries. While ACIC does not fund conservation research, it does promote national and international conservation research activities. Specifically, ACIC promotes conservation and preservation of wildlife and other natural resources , and encourages international research on the ecology of endangered species .

Formerly called the American Committee for International Wildlife Protection, ACIC assists IUCNThe World Conservation Union , an independent organization of nations, states, and NGOs, in promoting natural resource conservation. ACIC also coordinates its members' overseas research activities.

Member organizations of the ACIC include the African Wildlife Leadership Foundation, National Wildlife Federation , World Wildlife Fund (US)/RARE, Caribbean Conservation Corporation, National Audubon Society , Natural Resources Defense Council , Nature Conservancy, International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, and National Parks and Conservation Association . Members also include The Conservation Foundation, International Institute for Environment and Development; Massachusetts Audubon Society; Chicago Zoological Society; Wildlife Preservation Trust; Wildfowl Trust; School of Natural Resources, University of Michigan; World Resources Institute ; Global Tomorrow Coalition; and The Wildlife Society, Inc.

ACIC holds no formal meetings or conventions, nor does it publish magazines, books, or newsletters. Contact: American Committee for International Conservation, c/o Center for Marine Conservation, 1725 DeSales Street, NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20036.

[Linda Rehkopf ]

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