
views updated Jun 08 2018

her·on / ˈherən/ • n. a large fish-eating wading bird (family Ardeidae) with long legs, a long S-shaped neck, and a long pointed bill. Its numerous species include the great blue heron (Ardea herodias).


views updated May 29 2018

heron poet. hern XIV. ME. he(i)roun, herne — OF. hairon (mod. héron) — Gmc. *χaiʒaran- (whence OHG. heigaro; cf. ON. hegri), dissimilated form of *χraiʒran- (cf. OE. hrāgra, MLG. rēger, MDu. reiger, OHG. reigaro, G. reiher), of imit. orig.
Hence heronry XVII.


views updated May 17 2018

heron Any of several species of wading bird that live near rivers. Herons have white, grey, or brown plumage, long neck and legs, and a sharp bill. They feed mainly on fish, and nest in large groups. Height: to 1.8m (6ft). Family Ardeidae.

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