
views updated May 29 2018

krill / kril/ • n. a small shrimplike planktonic crustacean (Meganyctiphanes norvegica, class Malacostraca.) of the open seas. It is eaten by a number of larger animals, notably the baleen whales.ORIGIN: early 20th cent.: from Norwegian kril ‘young fry of fish.’


views updated Jun 27 2018


Marine crustaceans in the order Euphausiacea. Krill are zooplankton , and most feed on microalgae by filtering them from the water. In high latitudes, krill may account for a large proportion of the total zooplankton. Krill often occur in large swarms and in a few species these swarms may reach several hundred square meters in size with densities over 60,000 individuals per square meter. This swarming behavior makes them valuable food sources for many species of whales and seabirds. Humans have also begun to harvest krill for use as a dietary protein supplement.


views updated May 21 2018

krill Various species of planktonic crustaceans but is mostly the shrimp Euphausia superba. This is the main food of whales, and some penguins and other seabirds; occurs in shoals in the Antarctic, containing up to 12 kg/m3. Collected in limited quantities for use as human food: a 100‐g portion is a rich source of protein and niacin; a good source of calcium; a source of iron; supplies 100 kcal (420 kJ).


views updated Jun 08 2018

krill Collective term for the large variety of marine crustaceans found in all oceans. They are strained and used as food by the various species of baleen whale.


views updated May 29 2018


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