months of the year
Month | Derivation |
January | From the Roman month Januarius and named after Janus ― god of doors, gates and new beginnings [31 days] |
February | From the Roman month Februarius and named after Februa, festival of purification on the 15th [28 days, and 29 in Leap Years] |
March | From the Roman month of Martius and named after Mars, god of war [31 days] |
April | From the Roman month Aprilis ― possibly derived from the Latin aperire in reference to the blossoming of spring [30 days] |
May | From the Roman month Maius, after Maia, goddess of growth [31 days] |
June | From the Roman month Junius and named after Juno, goddess of marriage [30 days] |
July | From the Roman month Julius and named after the Emperor Julius Caesar in 44 bc [31 days] |
August | From the Roman month Augustus and named after the Emperor Augustus in 8 bc [31 days] |
September | 7th month of the early Roman calendar, from the Latin septem (seven) [30 days] |
October | 8th month of the early Roman calendar, from the Latin octo (eight) [31 days] |
November | 9th month of the early Roman calendar, from the Latin novem (nine) [30 days] |
December | 10th month of the early Roman calendar, from the Latin decem (ten) [31 days] |