Persepolis ★★★ 2007 (PG-13)
Animated universal coming-of-age tale spans the life of a young Iranian girl beginning at the tumultuous period from the end of the rule of the Shah through the abrupt transition to the fundamentalist Muslim regime that followed. The profound impact of the many changes Marjane (Mastroianni) endures is heartrending. Although she is part of a modern and progressive Iranian family, she is forced to don a face-covering veil; she then flees to Austria, where she is an outsider stereotyped as a fanatical Muslim. When she finally returns to Iran, she finds that she is an outsider in her native land, and she is forced yet again to flee. Adapted from the semi-autobiographical graphic novel by Marjane Satrapi, the characters are expressed as rather low-tech line drawings when compared to other contemporary animation, but the resulting images and storyline are relatable. 95m/B DVD . FRD: Marjane Satrapi, Vincent Paronnauel; W: Marjane Satrapi, Vincent Paronnauel; M: Olivier Bernet; V: Chiara Mastroianni, Danielle Darrieux, Simon Abkarian, Gabrielle Lopes, Catherine Deneuve, Francois Jerosme.