Panama Refining Company v. Ryan

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PANAMA REFINING COMPANY V. RYAN (293 U.S. 388 [1935]). The National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933, among other delegations of power, authorized the president to limit the transportation in interstate and foreign commerce of oil to the production level permitted by the state from which the oil was shipped. The Supreme Court, in Panama Refining Company v. Ryan, known as the "Hot Oil" case, invalidated this provision by declaring that Congress had delegated essential legislative power to the president. Shortly afterward, Congress passed an act that preserved this system of regulating oil shipments while avoiding such broad delegation of power.


Cushman, Barry. Rethinking the New Deal Court: The Structure of a Constitutional Revolution. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.

P. OrmanRay/a. r.

See alsoDelegation of Powers ; National Recovery Administration .

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