Green (or Greene's) Spring, South Carolina

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Green (or Greene's) Spring, South Carolina

GREEN (OR GREENE'S) SPRING, SOUTH CAROLINA. 8 Aug. 1780. There is some confusion over the exact identity and date of this running battle, which is also known as Second Cedar Spring. Between 150 and 200 mounted Loyalists under Major James Dunlap preceded Major Patrick Ferguson's main column in the advance toward Gilbert Town, South Carolina, during the movements that eventually led to the battle of Kings Mountain. Warned of Dunlap's approach, roughly 400 rebel militia under Lieutenant Colonels Elijah Clarke and William Graham were waiting when the Loyalists attacked before dawn. After a sharp, fifteen-minute skirmish that left many casualties on both sides, the Loyalists were driven back. As Clarke and Graham began their pursuit, Ferguson came up with the main body of troops, and the rebels retreated to higher ground. Judging the rebel position as too strong, Ferguson withdrew. Estimates of the casualties vary widely; though it appears that eight Loyalists and three rebels were killed, with about twenty wounded on each side.

SEE ALSO Kings Mountain, South Carolina.

                                  revised by Michael Bellesiles

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