Northampton, battle of

views updated Jun 08 2018

Northampton, battle of, 1460. The Yorkist leadership fled abroad after its ignominious and precipitate flight from Ludford Bridge in 1459, but returned in the summer of 1460. On 10 July Warwick and the future Edward IV encountered Henry VI's army just south of Northampton, under the duke of Buckingham. The battle was decided quickly when Lord Grey of Ruthyn deserted the king. Henry was captured and his leading supporters, including Buckingham, executed.

J. A. Cannon

Northampton, battle of

views updated May 17 2018

Northampton, battle of, 1264. When Simon de Montfort and his supporters took up arms in the spring of 1264, his second son Simon was besieged in Northampton by the king, Henry III. Despite de Montfort's march to relieve it, the castle surrendered on 6 April and young Simon was taken prisoner. This set-back to the baronial cause was cancelled by their victory at Lewes in May, when the king was in turn taken captive.

J. A. Cannon

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