a·bove / əˈbəv/ • prep. 1. in extended space over and not touching: a display of fireworks above the town. ∎ extending upward over: her arms above her head. ∎ higher than and to one side of; overlooking: on the wall above the altar.2. at a higher level or layer than: bruises above both eyes. ∎ higher in grade or rank than: at a level above the common people. ∎ considered of higher status or worth than; too good for: she married above her. ∎ in preference to: they chose profit above car safety. ∎ at a higher volume or pitch than: above a whisper.3. higher than (a specified amount, rate, or norm): above sea level.• adv. at a higher level or layer. ∎ higher in grade or rank: the rank of superintendent or above. ∎ higher than a specified amount, rate, or norm: boats of 31 ft. or above. ∎ (in printed text) mentioned earlier or further up on the same page: the two cases described above | [as adj.] at the above address | [as n.] since writing the above, I have reconsidered. PHRASES: above all (else) more so than anything else: he was concerned above all to speak the truth. from above from a position of higher rank or authority.not be above be capable of stooping to (an unworthy act): he was not above practical jokes.over and abovesee over.