ad·van·tage / ədˈvantij/ • n. a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable or superior position: she had an advantage over her mother's generation. ∎ the opportunity to gain something; benefit or profit: he saw some advantage in the proposal. ∎ a favorable or desirable circumstance or feature; a benefit: the village's proximity to the town is an advantage. ∎ Tennis a player’s score in a game when they have won the first point after deuce (and will win the game if they win the next point).• v. [tr.] put in a favorable or more favorable position.PHRASES: take advantage of1. make unfair demands on (someone) who cannot or will not resist; exploit or make unfair use of for one's own benefit: people tend to take advantage of a placid nature. ∎ dated (used euphemistically) seduce.2. make good use of the opportunities offered by (something): take full advantage of the facilities advantage in a way which displays or makes good use of the best aspects of something: her shoes showed off her legs to advantage.turn something to advantage (or to one's advantage) handle or respond to something in such a way as to benefit from it.DERIVATIVES: ad·van·ta·geous / ˌadvənˈtājəs; -van-/·van·ta·geous·ly / ˌadvənˈtājəslē; -van-/ adv.