Android ★★½ 1982 (PG)
When an android who has been assisting a quirky scientist in space learns that he is about to be permanently retired, he starts to take matters into his own synthetic hands. Combines science fiction, suspense and cloned romance. A must for Kinski fans. 80m/C VHS, DVD . Klaus Kinski, Don Opper, Brie Howard, Norbert Weisser, Crofton Hardester, Kendra Kirchner; D: Aaron Lipstadt; W: James Reigle, Don Opper; C: Tim Suhrstedt; M: Don Preston.
A man made by other means than the natural mode of reproduction. The automaton attributed to Albertus Magnus, which St. Thomas destroyed with his stick because its answers to his questions puzzled him, was such an android. Some have attempted to humanize a root called the mandrake, which bears a fantastic resemblance to a human being. In modern times, androids or robots have become commonplace in science fiction stories and films.
(See also Mandragoras )
an·droid / ˈanˌdroid/ • n. (in science fiction) a robot with a human appearance.