
views updated May 23 2018

au·to·ra·di·o·graph / ˌôtōˈrādēəˌgraf/ • n. a photograph of an object produced by radiation from radioactive material in the object and revealing the distribution or location of labeled material in the object.• v. [tr.] make an autoradiograph of.DERIVATIVES: au·to·ra·di·o·graph·ic / -ˌrādēəˈgrafik/·to·ra·di·og·ra·phy / -ˌrādēˈägrəfē/ n.


views updated May 21 2018

autoradiography An experimental technique in which a radioactive specimen is placed in contact with (or close to) a photographic plate, so as to produce a record of the distribution of radioactivity in the specimen. The film is darkened by the ionizing radiation from radioactive parts of the sample. Autoradiography is used to study the distribution of particular substances in living tissues, cells, and cultures. A radioactive isotope of the substance is introduced into the organism or tissue, which is killed, sectioned, and examined after enough time has elapsed for the isotope to be incorporated into the substance. Another common application of autoradiography is the location of radioactively labelled DNA probes or antibodies employed in such techniques as Southern blotting and Western blotting.


views updated Jun 27 2018

autoradiography (radioautography) (aw-toh-ray-di-og-răfi) n. a technique for examining the distribution of a radioactive tracer in the tissues of an experimental animal.


views updated May 23 2018

autoradiograph A photographic image of the radioactive areas in a specimen (e.g. in DNA fingerprinting).


views updated May 29 2018

radioautography (ray-di-oh-aw-tog-răfi) n. see autoradiography.


views updated May 18 2018

autoradiograph A photographic print that is made by the action of a radioactive substance (e.g. carbon-14) upon a sensitive photographic plate.


views updated May 17 2018

autoradiograph A photographic print that is made by the action of a radioactive substance (e.g. carbon-14) upon a sensitive photographic plate.