
views updated May 17 2018

build / bild/ • v. (past and past part. built / bilt/ ) [tr.] (often be built) construct (something, typically something large) by putting parts or material together over a period of time: the factory was built in 1936. ∎  commission, finance, and oversee the building of (something): the city council plans to build a bridge. ∎  (build something in/into) incorporate (something) and make it a permanent part of a structure, system, or situation: engineers want to build in extra traction. ∎  Comput. compile (a program, database, index, etc.). ∎  [intr.] (of a program, database, index, etc.) be compiled. ∎  establish and develop (a business, relationship, or situation) over a period of time: he'd built up the store from nothing. ∎  [intr.] (build on) use as a basis for further progress or development: the nation should build on the talents of its workforce. ∎  increase the size, intensity, or extent of: we built up confidence in our abilities.• n. 1. the dimensions or proportions of a person's or animal's body: she was of medium height and slim build. ∎  the style or form of construction of something, typically a vehicle.2. Comput. a compiled version of a program. ∎  the process of compiling a program.


views updated May 21 2018

build OE. byldan (cf. bylda builder), f. bold dwelling, house, var. of botl = OS. bodl, ON. ból :- Gmc. *buþlam, f. *bū- dwell (see BOWER1).

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