
views updated May 21 2018

buzz / bəz/ • n. [in sing.] a low, continuous humming or murmuring sound, made by or similar to that made by an insect: the buzz of the bees. ∎  the sound of a buzzer or telephone. ∎ inf. a telephone call: I'll give you a buzz. ∎ inf. a rumor: the buzz is that he's in big trouble. ∎  an atmosphere of excitement and activity: there is a real buzz about the place. ∎ inf. a feeling of excitement or euphoria: I got such a buzz out of seeing the kids' faces.• v. [intr.] 1. make a humming sound: mosquitoes were buzzing all around us. ∎  [often as n.] (buzzing) (of the ears) be filled with a humming sound: I remember a buzzing in my ears. ∎  signal with a buzzer: the electric bell began to buzz for closing time [tr.] he buzzed the stewardesses every five minutes. ∎  [tr.] inf. make a telephone call to (someone).2. move quickly or busily: she buzzed along the highway back into town. ∎  [tr.] inf. Aeron. fly very close to (another aircraft, the ground, etc.) at a high speed.3. (of a place) have an air of excitement or purposeful activity: the club is buzzing with excitement. ∎  (of a person's mind or head) be filled with excited or confused thoughts: her mind was buzzing with ideas. PHRASAL VERBS: buzz off [often in imper.] inf. go away.


views updated May 17 2018


of barflies; barflies collectively Lipton, 1970.


views updated May 29 2018

buzz2 epithet of a large bushy wig. XVIII. abbrev. of BUSBY.


views updated May 23 2018

buzz1 make a sibilant humming sound. XVI. Earlier busse (XIV); hence as sb. XVII; of imit. orig.

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