
views updated Jun 27 2018

cham·ois / ˈshamē/ • n. 1. (pl. same / ˈshamēz/ ) an agile goat-antelope (genus Rupicapra) with short hooked horns, found in mountainous areas of Europe from Spain to the Caucasus. 2. (pl. same ) (also chamois leather) soft pliable leather made from the skin of sheep, goats, or deer. ∎  a piece of such leather, used typically for washing windows or cars.


views updated Jun 08 2018

chamois Nimble, goat-like ruminant that lives in mountain ranges of Europe and w Asia. It has coarse, reddish-brown fur with a black tail and horns. Its skin is made into chamois leather. Length: up to 1.3m (50in); weight: 25–50kg (55–110lb). Family Bovidae; species Rupicapra rupicapra.


views updated May 23 2018

chamois European antelope; soft pliable leather orig. from this. XVI. First recorded from the Geneva Bible (1560), Deut, 14: 5, where the Vulgate has camēlopardus, LXX kamēlopárdalis. — (O)F., prob. ult. from a pre-Rom. name current in the Alpine areas.

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