
views updated May 11 2018

chock / chäk/ • n. 1. a wedge or block placed against a wheel or rounded object, to prevent it from moving. ∎  a support on which a rounded structure, such as a cask or the hull of a boat, may be placed to keep it steady. 2. a fitting with a gap at the top, through which a rope or line is run. • v. [tr.] (often be chocked) prevent the forward movement of (a wheel or vehicle) with a chock. ∎  support (a boat, cask, etc.) on chocks.


views updated Jun 08 2018

chock (dial.) block, log XVII; piece of wood, etc. for holding an object in position, etc. XIV. prob. — ONF. *cho(u)que (mod. Picard choque, Norman chouque), var. of OF. ço(u)che (mod. souche) log, block of wood = Pr. soca stump, trunk, of unkn. orig.


views updated May 21 2018

chock. Wedge-shaped timber or metal used to fill frames, shores, and other rough constructions.

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