
views updated Jun 08 2018

cite / sīt/ • v. [tr.] (often be cited) 1. quote (a passage, book, or author) as evidence for or justification of an argument or statement, esp. in a scholarly work. ∎  mention as an example. ∎  praise (someone, typically a member of the armed forces) for a courageous act in an official dispatch. ∎ Law adduce a former tried case as a guide to deciding a comparable case or in support of an argument.2. Law summon (someone) to appear in a court of law.• n. a citation.DERIVATIVES: cit·a·ble adj.


views updated May 21 2018


To notify a person of a proceeding against him or her or to call a person forth to appear in court.

To make reference to a legal authority, such as a case, in a citation.

Cases, statutes, constitutions, treatises, and other similar authorities are cited to support a certain view of law on an issue. When writing a legal brief, an attorney may wish to strengthen his or her position by referring to cases that support what he or she is saying in order to persuade the court to make a ruling favorable for the client.


Precedent; Stare Decisis.


views updated May 21 2018

cite summon officially XV; quote, adduce as an authority XVI. — (O)F. citer — L. citāre, frequent. of ciēre, cīre set in motion, call, rel. to Gr. kíō I go, kīneîn move. OE. hātan call.
So citation summons XIII; quotation XVII.

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