clap1 / klap/ • v. (clapped, clap·ping) [tr.] strike the palms of (one's hands) together repeatedly, typically in order to applaud: Agnes clapped her hands in glee | [intr.] the crowd was clapping and cheering. ∎ show approval of (a person or action) in this way. ∎ strike the palms of (one's hands) together once, esp. as a signal. ∎ slap (someone) encouragingly on the back or shoulder. ∎ place (a hand) briefly against or over one's mouth or forehead as a gesture of dismay or regret: he swore and clapped a hand to his forehead. ∎ (of a bird) flap (its wings) audibly.• n. 1. an act of striking together the palms of the hands, either once or repeatedly. ∎ a friendly slap or pat on the back or shoulder.2. an explosive sound, esp. of thunder: a clap of thunder echoed through the valley.PHRASES: clap eyes onsee eye.clap (someone) in jail (or irons) put (someone) in prison (or in chains).PHRASAL VERBS: clap (something) on abruptly impose (a restrictive or punitive measure): most countries clapped on tariffs to protect their farmers.clap2 • n. (usu. the clap) inf. a venereal disease, esp. gonorrhea.