
views updated May 09 2018

crude / kroōd/ • adj. 1. in a natural or raw state; not yet processed or refined: crude oil. ∎  Statistics (of figures) not adjusted or corrected: the crude mortality rate. ∎  (of an estimate or guess) likely to be only approximately accurate.2. constructed in a rudimentary or makeshift way. ∎  (of an action) showing little finesse or subtlety and as a result unlikely to succeed.3. (of language, behavior, or a person) offensively coarse or rude, esp. in relation to sexual matters.• n. natural petroleum.DERIVATIVES: crude·ly adv.crude·ness n.cru·di·ty / ˈkroōditē/ n.


views updated May 29 2018

crude in a raw state XIV; ill-digested, not matured XVI. — L. crūdus raw, rough, cruel; see RAW.
So crudity XV.

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