
views updated Jun 11 2018

din / din/ • n. [in sing.] a loud, unpleasant, and prolonged noise: the fans made an awful din.• v. (dinned , din·ning ) 1. [tr.] (be dinned into) (of a fact) be instilled in (someone) by constant repetition: the doctrine that has been dinned into all our heads. 2. [intr.] make a loud, unpleasant, and prolonged noise: the sound dinning in my ears was the telephone ringing.


views updated May 11 2018

Dīn (Arab.). Life-way or religion, most particularly Islam. The whole system is sometimes referred to as dīn wa-dawla, ‘religion and state (combined)’, there being no distinction within Islam between ‘religion and politics’. The word as used in the Qurʾān is probably derived from a Christian source which had already borrowed from the Iranian dēn, religion. Other Arabic meanings are: judgement or retribution (as in yaum al-dīn, day of judgement); custom or usage.


views updated May 18 2018

DIN / din/ • n. any of a series of technical standards originating in Germany and used internationally, esp. to designate electrical connections, film speeds, and paper sizes: [as adj.] a DIN socket.


views updated May 21 2018

din sb. OE. dyne (:- *duniz) and dynn, corr. to OHG. tuni, ON. dynr (:- *dunjaz, -uz).
So din vb. †sing, resound OE.; assail with din, make resound, make a din XVII. OE. dynian = OS. dunian, MHG. tünen roar, rumble, ON. dynja come rumbling down, gush, pour :- Gmc. *dunjan. The IE. base *dhun- is repr. also by Skr. dhúni- roaring, Lith. dundéti sound.

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