di·rect / diˈrekt; dī-/ • adj. extending or moving from one place to another by the shortest way without changing direction or stopping: there was no direct flight that day. ∎ without intervening factors or intermediaries: the complications are a direct result of bacteria spreading. ∎ (of a person or their behavior) going straight to the point; frank. ∎ (of evidence or proof) bearing immediately and unambiguously upon the facts at issue: there is no direct evidence that officials accepted bribes. ∎ (of light or heat) proceeding from a source without being reflected or blocked: ferns like a bright position out of direct sunlight. ∎ (of genealogy) proceeding in continuous succession from parent to child. ∎ (of a quotation) taken from someone's words without being changed. ∎ complete (used for emphasis): nonviolence is the direct opposite of compulsion. ∎ perpendicular to a surface; not oblique: a direct butt joint between surfaces of steel. ∎ Astron. & Astrol. (of apparent planetary motion) proceeding from west to east in accord with actual motion.• adv. with no one or nothing in between: buy direct and save. ∎ by a straight route or without breaking a journey: Austrian Airlines is flying direct to Innsbruck again.• v. [tr.] 1. control the operations of; manage or govern: an economic elite directed the nation's affairs. ∎ supervise and control (a movie, play, or other production, or the actors in it). ∎ (usu. be directed) train and conduct (a group of musicians).2. [tr.] aim (something) in a particular direction or at a particular person: heating ducts to direct warm air to rear-seat passengers his smile was directed at Laura. ∎ tell or show (someone) how to get somewhere: can you direct me to the railroad station, please? ∎ address or give instructions for the delivery of (a letter or parcel). ∎ focus or concentrate (one's attention, efforts, or feelings) on: we direct our anger and frustration at family. ∎ (direct something at/to) address a comment to or aim a criticism at: he directed his criticism at media coverage of the Catholic Church | I suggest that he direct his remarks to the council. ∎ (direct something at) target a product specifically at (someone): the book is directed at the younger reader. ∎ archaic guide or advise (someone or their judgment) in a course or decision: the conscience of the credulous prince was directed by saints and bishops.3. [tr.] give (someone) an official order or authoritative instruction: the judge directed him to perform community service | he directed that no picture from his collection could be sold. DERIVATIVES: di·rect·ness n.
So direction action of directing XV; course pursued XVII. — F. or L. directive adj. XV, sb. XVII. — medL. director XV. — AN. directory adj. serving to direct XV; sb. book of directions XVI.
As a verb, to point to; guide; order; command; instruct. To advise; suggest; request. As an adjective, immediate; proximate; by the shortest course; without circuity; operating by an immediate connection or relation, instead of operating through an intermediary; the opposite of indirect. In the usual or regular course or order, as distinguished from that which diverts, interrupts, or opposes. The opposite of cross, contrary, collateral, or remote. Without any intervening medium, agency, or influence; unconditional.