flip1 / flip/ • v. (flipped, flip·ping) 1. turn over or cause to turn over with a sudden sharp movement: [tr.] the yacht was flipped by a huge wave | [intr.] the plane flipped over and then exploded. 2. [tr.] move, push, or throw (something) with a sudden sharp movement: she flipped off her dark glasses she flipped a few coins on to the bar. ∎ [tr.] turn (an electrical appliance or switch) on or off: he flipped a switch and the front door opened. ∎ [tr.] toss (a coin) to decide an issue: given those odds, one may as well flip a coin | [intr.] you want to flip for it? 3. [tr.] buy and sell (a property) quickly and profitably using a fraudulent evaluation of its worth: within one week of starting I flipped a property for a quick $3,000 profit.4. Comput. [tr.] access the nonpublic parts of (a Web site): if you want to learn who the main IT contact at a company is, just flip their Web site.5. [intr.] inf. suddenly become deranged or very angry: he had clearly flipped under the pressure. ∎ suddenly become very enthusiastic: I walked into a store, saw it on the wall, and just flipped.• n. a sudden sharp movement: the fish made little leaps and flips. ∎ (a flip through) a quick look or search through a volume or a collection of papers: a quick flip through my cookbooks.• adj. glib; flippant: he couldn't get away with flip, funny conversation.• interj. used to express mild annoyance.PHRASES: flip one's lid (or one's wig) inf. suddenly become deranged or lose one's self-control.PHRASAL VERBS: flip through look or search quickly through (a volume or a collection of papers): just flip through the phone book and pick a lawyer.flip2 • n. another term for eggnog.