
views 3,897,321 updated May 14 2018

fol·low·ing / ˈfälō-ing/ • prep. coming after or as a result of: police are hunting for two men following a spate of robberies in the area.• n. 1. a body of supporters or admirers: he attracted a worldwide following.2. (the following) [treated as sing. or pl.] what follows or comes next: the following are both grammatically correct sentences.• adj. 1. next in time: the following day there was a ceremony in St. Peter's Square. ∎  about to be mentioned: you are required to provide us with the following information.2. (of a wind or sea) blowing or moving in the same direction as the course of a vehicle or vessel.


views 1,205,679 updated May 17 2018

Following ★★ 1999 (R)

Nolan's feature debut is an odd little neo-noir about a young man named Bill (Theobald) who likes to follow strangers. He picks the wrong guy in burglar Cobb (Haw) who has his own voyeuristic tastes. Cobb turns the tables on Bill and decides to become his mentor in crime. And sticking with the noir tradition, there's a mysterious blonde femme (Russell) whose relationship to the men is gradually revealed. As in his 2001 film “Memento,” Nolan plays twister with the chronology, which means more than one viewing may be necessary to figure things out. 71m/B VHS, DVD . Jeremy Theobald, Alex Haw, Lucy Russell, John Nolan; D: Christopher Nolan; W: Christopher Nolan; C: Christopher Nolan; M: David Julyan.


views 3,316,728 updated May 23 2018


followers, 1450; adherents collectively.

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