fork / fôrk/ • n. 1. an implement with two or more prongs used for lifting food to the mouth or holding it when cutting. ∎ a tool of larger but similar form used for digging or lifting in a garden or farm.2. a device, component, or part with two or more prongs, in particular: ∎ a unit consisting of a pair of supports in which a bicycle or motorcycle wheel revolves. ∎ a flash of forked lightning.3. the point where something, esp. a road or river, divides into two parts. ∎ either of two such parts.4. Chess a simultaneous attack on two or more pieces by one piece.• v. 1. [intr.] (esp. of a road or other route) divide into two parts: the place where the road forks. ∎ [intr.] take or constitute one part or the other at the point where a road or other route divides: a minor road forked left.2. [tr.] dig, lift, or manipulate (something) with a fork: fork in some compost.3. [tr.] Chess attack (two pieces) simultaneously with one piece.PHRASAL VERBS: fork something over/out/up (or fork over/out/up) inf. pay money for something, esp. reluctantly.DERIVATIVES: fork·ful / -ˌfoŏl/ n. (pl. -fuls) .