hy·per·ton·ic / ˌhīpərˈtänik/ • adj. having increased pressure or tone, in particular: ∎ Biol. having a higher osmotic pressure than a particular fluid, typically a body fluid or intracellular fluid. ∎ Physiol. of or in a state of abnormally high muscle tone.DERIVATIVES: hy·per·to·ni·a / -ˈtōnēə/ n. (of muscles).hy·per·to·nic·i·ty / ˌhīpərtəˈnisitē/ n.
hypertonic Applied to a cell in which the osmotic pressure is higher than that in the surrounding medium. Compare hypotonic and isotonic.
hypertonic Applied to a cell in which the osmotic pressure is higher than that in the surrounding medium. Compare HYPOTONIC and ISOTONIC.
hypertonic (hy-per-tonn-ik) adj.
1. describing a solution that has a greater osmotic pressure than another solution. See osmosis.
2. describing muscles that demonstrate an abnormal increase in tonicity.
hypertonic Applied to a cell in which the osmotic pressure is higher than that in the surrounding medium. Compare HYPOTONIC, ISOTONIC.
hypertonic A solution more concentrated than the body fluids; see isotonic.