mi·mo·sa / məˈmōsə; mī-; -zə/ • n. 1. an Australian acacia tree (Acacia dealbata) with delicate fernlike leaves and yellow flowers that are used by florists. 2. a pea-family plant of a genus (Mimosa) that includes the sensitive plant. 3. a drink of champagne and orange juice.
Mimosa (family Leguminosae, subfamily Mimosoideae) A genus mainly of herbs and shrubs, in which the stipules are sometimes thorn-like. The leaves are multipinnate. M. pudica (the sensitive plant) has leaflets that droop on shaking. M. invisa is a noxious weed. There are about 400 species, occurring in the tropics, mainly in America.
mimosa Genus of plants, shrubs and small trees native to tropical North and South America. They have showy, feather-like leaves and heads or spikes of white, pink or yellow flowers. Family Mimosaceae.