mud / məd/ • n. soft, sticky matter resulting from the mixing of earth and water. ∎ fig. information or allegations regarded as damaging, typically concerned with corruption: they are trying to sling mud at me to cover up their defeat.PHRASES: as clear as mud inf. not at all easy to understand.drag someone through the mud slander or denigrate someone's mud in your eye! chiefly Brit., inf. used to express friendly feelings toward one's companions before's name is mud inf. one is in disgrace or unpopular: if you forget their birthdays, your name is mud.
MUD / məd/ • n. a computer-based text or virtual reality game that several players play at the same time, interacting with each other as well as with characters controlled by the computer.
mud XIV. prob. — MLG. mudde, MHG. mot (G. dial. mott) bog, bog-earth, peat.
Hence muddy XVI. mudlark grubber or worker in dirty places. XVIII. joc. formation after skylark.